Python String split() Method
The split() function splits the string by the specified separator and returns a list of string elements.
How to formulate it like this:
string. split(separator, maxsplit)
separator: [Optional] Splits the string at the specified separator. If this argument is not provided, the default value will be whitespace.
maxsplit : [Optional] Sets the maximum number of splits that can be performed. If this argument is not provided, the default value is -1 meaning there is no limit to the number of splits.
Return value: Returns the elements of the string in a new list, and the original string is not modified in any way.
In the following example we will split the string elements into a new list. Without using any of the preceding arguments.
# string We define a variable that contains a string and name it
string = 'Learn Python with Ahmed Obaid'
# To return the elements of a string in a new list, we call the split() function
The output will be:
['Learn', 'Python', 'with', 'Ahmed', 'Obaid']
In the following example, we will split the string elements into a new list. byundefined argument (separator). In which we put the letter or symbol that we want to be the separator between the elements of the string.
# We define a variable that contains a string and name it string1
string1 = 'Learn-Python-with-Ahmed-Obaid'
# To return the elements of a string in a new list, we call the split() function
# partition separator'-'
# We define a variable that contains a string and name it string2
string2 = 'Learn:Python:with:Ahmed:Obaid'
# To return the elements of a string in a new list, we call the split() function
#partition separator ':'
# We define a variable that contains a string and name it string3
string3 = 'LearnxPythonxwithxAhmedxObaid'
# To return the elements of a string in a new list, we call the split() function
#partition separator 'x'
The output will be:
['Learn', 'Python', 'with', 'Ahmed', 'Obaid']
['Learn', 'Python', 'with', 'Ahmed', 'Obaid']
['Learn', 'Python', 'with', 'Ahmed', 'Obaid']
In the following example we will control the number of splits that will be returned after parsing the string. by undefined argument (maxsplit).
# We define a variable that contains a string and name it string
string = 'Learn-Python-with-Ahmed-Obaid'
# To return the elements of a string in a new list, we call the split() function
# partition separator '-'
# Max split: 0
print(string.split('-', 0))
# partition separator '-'
# Maximum split:2
print(string.split('-', 2))
# partition separator '-'
# Max split: 3
print(string.split('-', 3))
The output will be:
['Learn', 'Python', 'with-Ahmed-Obaid']
['Learn', 'Python', 'with', 'Ahmed-Obaid']
External sources:
Built-in functions - official Python documentation
If you have any questions or concerns, leave them in the comments
Python python data types Python String string methods python python string split method
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Ahmed Obaid
Hello, I am Ahmed Obaid, an Egyptian Arabic programmer. I would like to put my experiences learning Python on this site So that it will be a reference for you and me as well.
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