Python String join() Method

25-12-22 Ahmed Obaid 1936 0

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    ​The join() function is a Python built-in function used to join elements of a sequence. It returns a new string. It can be used with many data types List , Tuple , String , etc.

    The way it is formulated is like this

    string_name .join (iterable)

    Argument (parameter) Iterable are objects that are able to return their elements one by one. Such as List, Tuple, String, Dictionary, and Set


    # Joining with empty separator list = ['a', 'h', 'm', 'e', 'd'] print("".join(list))

    The output will be:


    In the previous example, we use the join() function to join the elements of a list. with an empty string " " . and returns a new string

    You can replace the empty string with any character or symbol

    Example :

    list = {'1', '2', '3', '4', '5','6','6'} # put any characher to join string = "_" # joins elements of list by '_' # and stores in string a a = string.join(list) # join use to join a list of # strings to a separator a print(a)

    The output will be:


    Note: The array must contain unique values ​​only so the repeating number 6 is not printed. Note also that the collection produces different outputs each time


    # Joining with string dic = {'Java': 1, 'C #': 2, 'Python': 3} print(">".join(dic))

     The output will be:

    Java>C #>Python

     In the previous example, we use the join() function to join the elements of a Dictionary. with a string containing a special character “<”. and returns a new string

     External sources:

     Built-in functions - official Python documentation

     If you have any questions or concerns, leave them in the comments


    Python String string methods python python string join method

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